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viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Position Paper

Delegate: Valeria Gonzalez Elizondo
Country: India
Committee: UNODA
 Topic: A: Developing strategies for disease surveillance, preparedness, response, and assistance in case of alleged use of biological weapons
 Biological Weapons are a threat for the healthful and well being people. Biological weapons were first found by Britain, they used them against USA. There are now 152 countries participating in stopping all biological weapons. There are seven types of biological agents: parasites, fungi, yeasts, bacteria, rickettsia and chlamydia, viruses, prions, and toxins. Of these biological agents bacteria, viruses and toxins can be spread through the contamination of food or water; it can be also transmitted or carried by insects; or aerosols. People often think that biological weapons were not a threat to be concerned about, but it is, we need to establish some ideas of how to treat these agents. The Biological Weapons Convention, signed by 147 countries, including the United States and India, are trying to have some strategies for the use of the biological weapons. India, is working on preparing its population to develop some strategies defend themselves and be prepared for any attack of biological weapons. My delegation needs to ensure that bioterrorist attacks are not passed over as natural disease outbreaks or outbreaks of unknown origin, or classified as an rising infectious disease. India is mainly focusing on protecting its people and has developed five types of protective systems and equipment for its troops as a safeguard against nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) hazards. The development of these protective systems and equipment has been completed and their training into the service has been formally approved. India has a program named India’s defensive Biological Warfare Program, which is a program that helps promote ideas and strategies when such a problem appears and to know what to do in some cases, Additionally, the Indian government has established NBC warfare directorates, in the armed services. A directorate is an agency usually headed by a director, often a subdivision of a major government department. As well as inter-services coordination committee to monitor all the programs established. India has these strategies but is open for any other solution or recommendation that can be helpful for this problem.

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